To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Sacheen Collecutt and I’m a holistic mental health therapist or lately more like a wounded healer who feels very judged and betrayed by the mental health field and how it’s become more of a mental hell or harm.
According to Wikipedia: Psychological Injury is defined as this: A psychological injury is the psychological or psychiatric consequence of a traumatic event or physical injury. Such an injury might result from events such as abusive behavior, whistleblower retaliation, bullying, kidnapping, rape, motor vehicular collision or other negligent action. It may cause impairments, disorders, and disabilities perhaps as an exacerbation of a pre-existing condition. Wikipedia
-I feel very judged because I fell onto hard times. Stigma says I’m now worthless, yet clients I have helped have said I’m priceless. I say I’m in the middle, I just like to help people.
-Why is there an idea that therapists are superhuman without life challenges to deal with more than most in the health field? We are people too yet we are forgotten and ignored. Burnout in the mental health field averages 2 years. I don’t have to tell you the studies and statistics on that. I’ve been in this field for 16 years and I’m exhausted.

- Genital mutilation is a form of self-harm and how others in this field cannot seem to recognize this as such is alarming. My autistic son used to cut his arms, and then his Foundry “mental health” workers referred him to Quebec through KGH and enabled him to get his penis removed under the guise of “mental health”. This is ludicrous and there is no data to support any of this false claims. We also need to be more aware of what it means to call out child abuse when we see the schools sexualizing children in ANY way. Our oath of ethics is also do no harm, and when we have reported to all authorities when nothing is being done about it, we stand up against it so future generations will not be traumatized further under our watch.
-I’m tired of having worked for others to only learn I am promoting and enabling genocide/democide by doing so, only as a way to pay bills we never had control over paying off in the first place in this rat race of “tax”. Stop funding wars then.
- Tired of being judged for being a therapist who is still human and trying to cope alone because socio-economic status poverty is the idea of “mental wellness”.
Why can I volunteer on a suicide hotline for free, yet if I want a job doing so I have to pay extortion like illegal taxes that fund things I don’t want and didn’t vote for? Aren’t volunteers more valuable in humanitarian work than job performing robots who will just do their job for mere pennies anyway at the end of their day too? - I’m tired of people testing themselves to see if they are sick when in the past this could have been diagnosed as hypochondriasis. Big Pharma and other bureaucrats/lobbyists are creating Munchausen Syndrome by proxy on the public, purposely making them sick.
- Can we talk about the placebo/nocebo effect with mind/body knowledge as well? Think your sick? You’re right! Think you’re healthy? You’re also right! Choose wisely.
***PS: Therapists and healers teach others how to do their inner work. IF they are Trauma Informed, they are very aware of groupthink tactics, gaslighting tactics, Stockholm syndrome, and trauma bonding. They should also STOP enabling the abuse of their governments. We all know the end goal is to call people crazy in order to murder them through MAID, and we refuse to be held hostage under the Mental Health Act. I had already mentioned this a few years ago on an email with Shelagh Turner, my old boss before she soft fired me and I was left out in the street. All this done because of a company CMHA who virtue signals helping unhoused people by enabling drug addiction and drug trafficking in conjunction with the RCMP.
Your licensing procedures cost me my son, my job, my career, my home business, my shelter and my belongings.
How do you propose I can be helped? I would love to hear the answer, and I’m sure so would everyone else.
Here’s a podcast below from first responders speaking about the moral injury that occurs in Police, Leadership, Military & Veterans, lack of faith in the justice system and the PTSD that goes along with it all. Maybe listen to the people who have been affected by being on the front lines of peoples’ crises.
Interesting how the CPA code of canada, recently changed in 2017, see below. The one above was created and passed in 2000.
Cease and desist this psychological warfare occurring in British Columbia.
Yours Truly,
We the People’s BC Human Rights Advocate,
Sacheen Collecutt
Masters Degree at the School of Hard Knocks.