Addicted to Fear – introduction and insights to my upcoming book

Side effects to following this program and actually doing this work can include the following:

  • Increased connectivity to your mind-body-spirit
  • Increased appreciation for your body and its’ functions
  • Increased sense of taste, smell, sight, sound and touch
  • Increased empathy/compassion
  • Increased forgiveness and understanding
  • Increased determination
  • Increased courage and strength
  • Increased memory
  • Increased clarity of thoughts
  • Increased energy
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased self-compassion
  • Increased forgiveness
  • Increased flow of ideas
  • Increased laughter
  • Increased happiness
  • Increased inner peace
  • Increased inspirational levels
  • Increased optimism
  • Increased playfulness
  • Increased gratitude
  • Increased relaxation 
  • Increased empowerment
  • Increased acceptance/mindfulness
  • Increased relationship satisfaction
  • Better sleep quantity/quality
  • Decreased need to identify with a negative label, medical or otherwise
  • Decreased cognitive dissonance
  • Decreased addictive behavior
  • Decreased sadness
  • Decreased mental fog
  • Decreased guilt
  • Decreased shame
  • Decreased pain levels
  • Decreased self sabotage
  • Decrease of anxiety
  • Decreased anger/irritability
  • Decreased depression
  • Decreased fear and learning to calm the fight/flight response when fear arises
  • Release of emotional trauma

All you need to do is discover your own untapped powers, and the miracles will begin occurring. So let’s get this party started!

Chapter 1: Paralyzed by Fear

C.G. Jung Quote: "What you resist, persists." (13 ...
An introduction on the brief history of who I am, and how I got here.

CHAPTER 2:  I think there is an alien in my leg! (so it begins..)

Marie Curie Quote: "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is ...
When the body talks, if we don’t listen it will start screaming.

Chapter 3: Your Beliefs/Your Control (Spiritual/Psychological/Feeling)

Napoleon Hill Quote: "Whatever the mind can conceive and ...
Re-evaluating our beliefs and all the harmful techniques and thinking that got us to where we are struggling.

Chapter 4: The Education/Research

Henry Ford Quote: "Whether you think you can or you can't ...
Many years were put into learning how to self-heal at a holistic level, introduction to psychoneuroimmunology – in simple terms.

Chapter 5: The Variety of Tools at your Disposal

21 Insightful Quotes About Embracing Change
Types of tools available and how to use them, some of which are found on this site, many of the tools in here though will challenge your commitment to trying them, or the reasons why you are reluctant to do so.

Chapter 6: Your Emotions

William Shakespeare Quote: "If music be the food of love ...
Emotion = Energy in motion. Learn how to harness and embrace that energy in a positive way. Raise your vibration and work with your energy in motion.

Chapter 7: Do this first

First Things First, Part 1: #1 On My To-Do List - Lydia ...
Checkbox through a bunch of different techniques you would be willing to try.

Chapter 8: How to create your ER kit

Reimagine | Emotional Rescue
Implement S.M.A.R.T (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time based) goals to get a few techniques into your daily routine. Be realistic with yourself about what you WILL do, because commitment gets results.

Chapter 9: Emotional Release/Symptoms

Emotional Release Sound Therapy - Anakh Leadership Coaching
In recovery, whether it’s pain, addiction, emotions, etc. They all have one thing in common – triggers. We need to truly dig into what our triggers are, what they bring up for us and be prepared for “relapses”. Relapses are for any type of cycle, even though they are more known in addiction, a relapse is falling back into any type of pattern. It could be an unhealthy relationship (emotional addiction), it could be excessive gambling after having been frugal for a length of time, it could be picking up a cigarette after many years of quitting, or it could be a bout of extreme pain that can put you into a wheelchair again. Our brains are THAT powerful!!! Mastering it, is where our power is.

Chapter 10: STATS

Statistics around different types of topics but most importantly the holistic studies and power of the mind to create health or disease at an unconscious level. (Placebo/Nocebo)

Chapter 11: The Pandemic

Plandemic or Pandemic - Part II - YouTube
An “In plain site” tie in to the power of fear and how we watched it all unfold with Covid-19

Chapter 12: Summary/Final Words

Hand Writing Text Caption Inspiration Showing Final ...
At the end, I bring together all the resources I have used through my journey, mostly of the books I have read about various ways to self heal, as well as videos, articles, testimonials, podcasts, websites, and people who I have learned from. This book I wrote and the tools I have implemented for anyone to use is a summary and compilation of tools I have discovered, much of which has been hidden from public.

The biggest thing to remember when questioning the validity of the information here is in one simple question – If healthcare as we know it, actually made people healthy, how would anyone make money? When in doubt follow the money, always. One of the main reasons I created this website while waiting for the publication of my book, was so I could empower people to learn how to take action without the years of time consuming research and trial and error that I had to experience in order to find what worked.
The best gift for me, would be to help others teach themselves how to do the same thing. We ALL have the power and ability to do amazing things, so start with the basics, the very place you live – your body.
There’s no profit in healthy people, so if you value your health, take back your power and learn alternate ways to heal! You are worth it! Namaste

Namaste: What It Really Means…. - The Living Yoga Blog