Category: Emotional Health
The Name is Sacheen
In the events of the past few days, a few items have come to mind worthy of mention. The first “history” lesson I want to point people to is the link below. Sacheen Littlefeather is who I was named after, and when you look at her activism in Hollywood in speaking about the mistreatment of… Continue reading The Name is Sacheen
It is very well known within the trauma informed mental health community, that transgenderism is a result of trauma from childhood in which the person decided to self-harm based on an ideology of “connection” and “identity”. Correlations have been made with high ACE 4+ (see the Adverse Childhood Experiences page) scores. Below is a Masters… Continue reading Transgenderism
The Vagus Nerve
The Polyvagal Theory was proposed by Dr. Stephen Porges who is the director of Brain-body center at the University of Illinois. The polyvagal theory is the importance of the vagus nerve when it works optimally you are likely to recover quickly after stress, illness or injury. If it’s not functioning optimally the signals misfire and… Continue reading The Vagus Nerve
Oh shame. Brene Brown is the shame master researcher who speaks often about vulnerability. Vulnerability is where we find healing and acceptance, but if misused or abused, that vulnerability can be a deep sense of shame. But what is shame? Ever heard the term, “Shame on you!” That is a person’s attempt to make you… Continue reading Shame
Stages of Grief
Based on the Kubler-Ross Model of Grief there are 5 stages of grief, which can be experienced in any order. Most people fluctuate between denial, anger, depression and bargaining. Keep in mind that grief isn’t just when someone you know and love dies. It is any change in circumstance that causes extreme difficulty and it… Continue reading Stages of Grief
Abuse and Stockholm Syndrome
According to psychology today the list of emotional and psychological abuse are defined below. What are the warning signs of emotional abuse? Emotional abuse centers around control, manipulation, isolation, and demeaning or threatening behavior. Signs of abuse include: • Monitoring and controlling a person’s behavior, such as who they spend time with or how they… Continue reading Abuse and Stockholm Syndrome
The Gift Of Trauma
There are many interpretations of what the gifts are of trauma. It’s difficult at first to see the gifts in some of what we have had to go through, but there is always a gift in it we just have to search much harder to find it. From my own personal experience, I would have… Continue reading The Gift Of Trauma
Laughter, it really is the best medicine!
Laughter is one of the most neglected and forgotten form of healing. Laughter releases endorphins in the brain which are the feel good chemicals we need on a regular basis to keep our stress and anxiety levels down. While everyone has their own individual sense of humor, here are a few links and videos that… Continue reading Laughter, it really is the best medicine!
For the Youth
IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS IN IMMEDIATE AND EXTREME DANGER PLEASE CALL 9-1-1If you need help with other things such as feeling suicidal, there are some options below for immediate assistance.USA/Canada Suicide line: 1-800-784-2433Canadian Children’s Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868Canadian Children’s Text: 686868USA/Canada Teen line: 1-800-852-8336 (6pm-10pm PST) Free online assistance from anywhere… Continue reading For the Youth