Category: Resources
It is very well known within the trauma informed mental health community, that transgenderism is a result of trauma from childhood in which the person decided to self-harm based on an ideology of “connection” and “identity”. Correlations have been made with high ACE 4+ (see the Adverse Childhood Experiences page) scores. Below is a Masters… Continue reading Transgenderism
Free PDF Books
Below are various Free PDF Alternate Healing Remedies in various categories from herbs, to foraging, to growing your own food, to self-healing and so on. Download right to your computer or laptop and read at your leisure.Enjoy!
Detoxing Tips
If you have received the covid-19 injection, there are many ways you can detoxify your body. These injections have graphene oxide as well as parasites, so having a good protocol to help assist remove these harmful items is paramount to reducing the ill side effects that are known to occur in time. Please note that… Continue reading Detoxing Tips
Chlorine Dioxide or MMS
The author of the free PDF book at the bottom of the page, Brian Stone is a MBA, Ph D, Student of Health, below is an exerpt out of his chapter 4 explanation. “The FDA, the Mainstream Media and several of the Medical Ministries of Health around the world have given warnings about how terrible… Continue reading Chlorine Dioxide or MMS
Addicted to Fear – introduction and insights to my upcoming book
Side effects to following this program and actually doing this work can include the following: Increased connectivity to your mind-body-spirit Increased appreciation for your body and its’ functions Increased sense of taste, smell, sight, sound and touch Increased empathy/compassion Increased forgiveness and understanding Increased determination Increased courage and strength Increased memory Increased clarity of thoughts… Continue reading Addicted to Fear – introduction and insights to my upcoming book
Magnesium Types and Benefits
PEMF Technology and healing
“After conducting in-person interviews of more than 23,000 American adults, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (in conjunction with the National Center for Health Statistics) found that nearly 40 percent of those surveyed used some type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in an effort to obtain and retain a higher level of… Continue reading PEMF Technology and healing
Natural healing tips and tricks
There are so many ways to heal ourselves. Many of these cures have been suppressed by western medicine for the sake of profit. There are many psychological trauma induced health issues but healing is all focused on a holistic in the approach I take with clients. Many of these natural cures have little risk of… Continue reading Natural healing tips and tricks
Laughter, it really is the best medicine!
Laughter is one of the most neglected and forgotten form of healing. Laughter releases endorphins in the brain which are the feel good chemicals we need on a regular basis to keep our stress and anxiety levels down. While everyone has their own individual sense of humor, here are a few links and videos that… Continue reading Laughter, it really is the best medicine!