The Polyvagal Theory founded by Dr. Stephen Porges was introduced in 1994. There has been much more evidence and application with success in the research, application and validity of how this vagus nerve is the primary connection between the brain and the body.
If there is optimal function of the vagus nerve, it means we recover quickly after stress, injury or illness.

Your nervous system has two speeds. The sympathetic nervous system which is the fight or flight reaction, automatically helps you accelerate and avoid danger, or provides a burst of energy to combat perceived dangers. The Parasympthetic nervous system is the rest-digest-heal process that slows down the body and shifts it into a response of calm and allows for recover and repair after the danger has passed. The gearshift between the two, is the vagus nerve. If the vagus nerve doesn’t properly communicate, your body cannot stay in a state of balance which then creates feelings or symptoms of pain, fatigue, brain fog, stress, anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues, as well as a number of neurological disorders.

80% of the time we should be in the parasympathetic stage. Almost all disease and dysfunction within our bodies result from not being able to drop into the parasympathetic state. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt found compromised vagus nerve function in more than 95% of his chronically ill patients.
The parasympathetic state performs these tasks:
- reduces inflammation
- eliminates toxins
- boosts immunity
- reduces depression
- decreases anxiety
- relieves pain
- improves gut health
- boosts energy
- increases adrenal health
- improves heart health
- increases muscle strength
- alleviates trauma/ptsd
- balances blood sugar
- relieves insomnia
- regulates appetite
- strengthens memory
If your parasympathetic nervous system is working at less than optimal levels, you could experience such symptoms as:
- dry mouth or eyes
- clenched or grinding teeth
- lump in throat or difficulty swallowing
- acid reflux
- bloating or burping after fried or fatty foods
- poor digestion
- slow bowel movements
- digestive disorders such as leaky gut, IBS or irritable bowel, SIBO or Crohns
- floating stools
- not being able to tell if you are hungry or full
- frequent urination or incontinence
- difficulty relaxing
- tendency for anxiety
- episodes of a racing heart
- tense muscles especially around the neck and shoulders
- sleep problems, insomnia or nightmares
- low libido or erectile dysfunction
- cognitive dysfunction, ADHD or autism
- brain fog
- easily startled
- chronic inflammation or infections
- sensitive to bright or flashing lights
- migraines, dizziness, tinnitus or vertigo
- high or low blood pressure
- tendency for depression
- vitamin B12 deficiency
- low vitamin D or other nutrient levels
- anxiety/depression/panic attacks
- chronic fatigue
- autoimmune conditions
- fibromyalgia or chronic pain
- thyroid disorders
- weight gain
- heart disease
- diabetes
- cold or heat sensitivity
The above link will take you to a simplified explanation of how the polyvagal theory, adverse childhood experience scale and toxic stress, are all connected. This is a wonderful thing, because the good news is that it can be corrected but the methods are much simpler and less harmful than what western healthcare can offer.